My Real Fairy Tale


You’ve been to that point where you believe that in every tower lies Rapunzel and that every frog is a prince waiting for a kiss. But when you started to grow, you’ll tend to realize that fairy tales never exist. Until you meet someone and reignite that flaring hope for princesses, princes, fairies and knights in shining armor. Then you got married and drawn back to reality, got children and a tiring job, became busy in work, in family and in life, and the spirit of magical fantasies faded.

Then you will have that moment where you sit on your rocking chair, looking at your children, your children’s children, thinking about the past, how you had been in your childhood – catching memories and fishing significant thoughts.

You will try digging the old things you had kept in a wooden chest until you reached your old book of fairy tales. You scanned it with your eyes and hands, feeling every detail as it contains old memories. You will open it, will feel the moment of magic like it was the first time. Reading at every word as you try to savor the stories inside it. You will then realize how great it has been to live and you’ll relate yourself to a fairy tale story you knew. Then the flame that long been gone restored. For you yourself is living in a fairy tale.

You had been young enough to believe in fairy tales and you will go back to it, old enough to believe again.

I will leave this year with this last post. A post of believing and believing again. One of the greatest things in life is faith, the belief that you bear inside. Once it glares inside you, you’ll have a life full of potentials and see things differently. Once you believe in fairy tales everything seems magical. But the secret of fairy tales is not magic, but faith.

Keep that faith and have a prosperous new year to everyone.

All smiles!

11 responses to “My Real Fairy Tale

  1. I do hope to see more of your posts in New Year; for now thanks for the ones written so far and I will hapilly go back through the ones I missed; I really liked the concept of this blog and his thoughts series 😀 very inspiring

    • So glad to hear that I had inspired you ever through my simple ways. Thanks for dropping and taking time traveling my world. You’re so awesome and let’s have fun this 2013! Thanks and Happy new year!

  2. Pingback: My Real Fairy Tale « Carpe Bootium

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