37: The Hope


The Hope

He wiped his tears slowly and passionately. He sobbed for a moment, a kind of sob where loneliness lingered. He folded the letter and kissed it so tenderly.

A knock on the door echoed the room. “Mr. Nicholas Thompson?” A lady in a black executive suit came in. She hugged him so tight and he too in return.

“Can you please give this to your mother?” He beamed with great hope. Staring at the woman in front of him and reading the name tag that says Summer Jordache. He can’t believe how this precious soul had grown to such a wonderful lady. “You know you had your mother’s eyes and and smile, don’t you?”

“I know. “ She smiled and gave out a wink from her hazelnut eyes. “Don’t worry Dad. I got your spirit and heart and you know it.” She hugged him again and whispered. “I hope Mom’s gonna remember all this.”

37: The Letter

Love Letter

Photo Credit: Everyday Lovely

* * *

Dear Natasha,

How you doing?

I’m getting older now if I may tell. I counted the years that had lapsed from us and it’s 37. If fate would not be cruel enough we could already have beautiful children. I could still remember how you used to tell me that if you were to have a son, you’ll probably call him Summer. The season where we first met, isn’t it?

 You’re so beautiful back then and I couldn’t certainly forget your sweet smile and your hazelnut eyes. God knows why selling ice cream in your neighborhood is the most fulfilling job of all. You asked me if I was new in the place and you never hesitated to help me finding my way. I was 19 back then and I was so in love with you.

August, I asked you out and it’s magical seeing you your brightest smile. I stopped selling ice creams that time since summer is over but I never stopped seeing you. We went to the park, talked about music and how many children you wanna have. November, you told me you’re leaving and you’re never coming back.

I could feel your pain and how it hurt us. I kissed you, probably our last kiss that time as far as I could remember and we make love. Morning came and you’re gone.

I still miss you Natasha. Your smile, your hands and the way we share ice cream.

I always love you and hope you’ll remember this.






I guess, I’m back

I’ve been lost for so long, and that is nothing to be proud of. But I deliberately had a good news. I already got a job. Oh yeah! That sounds cool, right? You guys are keep on telling me to go get a life and hooray, I already got one. But it’s not just any job, it’s a cool one. Although I’m still bad at it, yet hell yeah people, I think I’m loving it. So cheers to us!

Oh another thing! Because of this new job of mine, I couldn’t able to update my blog everyday or every other day. So, I really am sorry for that. But no problem, I’ll make it sure that I could maybe update at least once a week. So how that sounds?

I guess this is for now. Just have a great jolly day everyone!

I’m so in love you all!



What Happened?

What happened?

So it’s been like two weeks since my last post right? Dang, I just wasted precious blogging days… But well, I would just like to maybe tell you what happened to me lately.

So, in this strangely humored fate of mine, in this unstoppable evolution of the world, a lot of things happened. So I was in the height of this persona-reflection satisfaction weigh down (this happened last November and I’m just brave enough to face it this February) giving me one of the greatest decision-making hell so far. What happened was that I found this job, which I could really raise a where my heart is awareness band which means I have to quit the current job which I also love and I’m comfortable with. And yeah, I quit my job after a heart and brain sleepover debate. So what turned out was that this job I’m trying to apply, took me days, even weeks to really update me that “Hey dude, you’re in! Congrats!” or “Sorry dude, you failed it. Now go home to your mamma!” But until now, no updates. So for the past weeks I’m jobless! Hooray welcome to the world of unemployment. But I’m patient, I could wait, as what they say, great things come to those who wait right? Praise to God for that!

The next thing that happened to me was that my motherboard, or this mother-packer-board of my pc just committed suicide while I’m not around. And that gives you the answer while I’m onlinely (adverb of online) absent. This leads me to read my pending books and even read Looking for Alaska for almost 15 jobless slash pc-less hours. Which I’m really thankful, the silver lining of every cloud. Haha

The heaven is really pouring something to bother me these days. But they failed, because I never let them bother me. For I’m still awesome! Who cares if my pc broke? Who cares if I’m jobless? I know, it’s clear I shouldn’t let these last for long, but damn, for this moment, I don’t really care at all.

I have an awesome life so far, so let me savor it for a moment.

So that’s it! This is my update.

Have a happy blogging!

With much awesomeness,
